School Performance

2022-23 Attainment Data

By following the link below you will find our end of year attainment data for 2022-23, which compares the results of our children to data for children locally and nationally. 

We are extremely proud of each and every one of our children and the progress that they make from their individual starting points - across all areas of the curriculum as well as personally, socially, emotionally and with regard to their effort and attitudes to learning.

Data Position Statement 2022-23 Telford Infant School

Telford Infant School has received a letter from the Minister for Education congratulating us on our 'outstanding achievement' in the 2023 Phonics Screening check. With 97% of pupils in year 1 meeting the expected standard in the check our school is in the top 3% of all primary schools in the country.
Please follow the link below to view a copy of our letter.

Letter from Minister for Schools congratulating Telford Infants on our 2023 Phonics Screening check

You can also view information about our school on the Department for Education website, please click the link below:

Telford Infant School Performance Tables