Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)

Mrs Kate Walsh

PSHE Subject Leader

Why do we teach PSHE?

We believe that our PSHE curriculum aims to help children to understand, explore and respect their own and others’ feelings.  Ensuring children appreciate, respect and celebrate that we are all unique.  Children are encouraged to reflect creatively and imaginatively on their surrounding world, making informed choices about their health and wellbeing. Our whole school Thrive approach helps children and young people feel safe, supported and ready to learn, fostering positive relationships and placing the child’s emotional wellbeing at the forefrontThrough experiential learning and discussion they are taught to recognise a safe choice, investigate moral issues and offer reasoned views. Children’s oracy and social skills are developed so they can resolve conflict, respect and follow rules in order to be a part of their wider community.  British Values is promoted throughout the whole of our curriculum and children are very proud of our school rules. 


  • We make safe choices.
  • We are kind, polite and caring.
  • We are proud of our school.


Under the new guidance issued by the DfE, as of September 2020, Relationships Education at primary school will be compulsory. We believe that, to be effective, this should be taught within a broader PSHE programmes of study. Relationships education focusses on giving children the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships. Health education focusses on equipping children with the knowledge they need to make good decisions about their own health and wellbeing.


How do we teach PSHE?

At Telford Infant School we have created our own bespoke curriculum using guidance from the PSHE association to ensure that we ensure that we meet the needs of all of the learners within our school. This curriculum also covers all aspects of the RSE curriculum recently advised by the DfE. Lessons will be delivered by the class teacher using age appropriate , practical and engaging resources.



Children in EYFS develop knowledge, skills and attributes that form a crucial foundation for later teacher of PSHE at KS1. Both curriculums complement each other, providing opportunities for progression throughout the school. The PSHE curriculum in EYFS is largely covered in the ‘Development Matters Framework’ prime area of Personal, Social and Emotional Development covering key concepts and skills around – Making relationships; Self-confidence and self-awareness; Managing feelings and behaviour. Specific areas are also covered, such as, Physical Development – Health and self-care and Understanding the World – People and communities, and supports the teaching of Relationships; Health and Wellbeing along with Living in the Wider World.


Key Stage 1

At Telford Infant School we have developed our own scheme of work for Y1 and Y2 which incorporates the ‘PSHE Association Programme of Study’ for KS1. This bespoke curriculum also takes into account the needs of our children and the community/society in which they are growing up.


Our scheme of work is based on three core themes:

  • Relationships
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Living in the Wider World


Our progression maps sets out learning opportunities for each year group. Each core theme, is organised into subtopics to ensure core knowledge is sectioned into units of manageable size.  Teaching of PSHE and RSE includes sufficient and well-chosen opportunities and contexts for children to embed new knowledge so that it can be used confidently in real-life situations. This progression develops knowledge, skills and attributes, where prior learning is revisited, reinforced and extended year on year. The curriculum is delivered proactively, such that it addresses issues in a timely way in line with current evidence on children’s physical and emotional development.


Protective Behaviours

All children are taught Protective Behaviours in the Autumn term and the language of safety is at the core of school values and expectations.

Through Protective Behaviours children learn to respect themselves as an individual and to understand the importance of feeling safe. PSHE aims to develop children’s moral, spiritual and cultural understanding as they become successful and happy young people who make a meaningful contribution to society.


How your child will make progress in PSHE

First and foremost, we want our children at Telford Infant School children to be safe and happy so that they can achieve their personal best in all aspects of school life. Through our PSHE curriculum, we believe that we prepare our children for the next stage in their education as well as preparing them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences within the wider community. Our curriculum provides them with a chance to reflect and learn about these crucial elements.  


Children at Telford Infant School will:

  • Love learning.
  • Respect and celebrate that we are all unique , celebrating difference.
  • Form kind and respectful relationships
  • Make safe choices and understand how to resolve conflict.
  • Be able to articulate how they are feeling and make informed choices about their own mental wellbeing.
  •  Know the meaning of collaboration and offer reasoned views.
  • Follow rules in order to be part of the wider community ·
  • Understand the importance of being safe.
  • Understand what they need to be happy and healthy.


Relationships and Sex Education

From September 2020 the Department for Education made Relationships Sex Education and Health Education compulsory in all schools. 


What does the new guidance mean? 

The new guidance focuses on healthy relationships and keeping children safe in the modern world. It also covers a wide range of topics relating to physical and mental health, wellbeing, safeguarding and healthy relationships.  

At Telford Infant School our robust PSHE curriculum covers a wide aspect of the relationships programme in a child friendly and appropriate manner. As an infant school we do not have to teach any part of the sex education programme but it does mean that parents will not have a right to withdraw children from the relationships part of our curriculum.  

Any RSE sessions will be incorporated within our comprehensive PSHE program facilitated and planned by the class teacher and delivered in a child friendly manner which is appropriate and tailored towards the needs of the class. Some sessions may be taught weekly but where possible, we will strive to find cross- curricular links with other subject areas such as Science, PE and Religious Education.  At all times we will ensure that the curriculum fits in with the aims and ethos of Telford Infant School. 

In 2020 we consulted parents and shared this new bespoke curriculum and we were supported wholeheartedly with our approach.

We all have the right to feel safe booklet

Advice for keeping children safe

Let's Talk Magazine

PHSE and RSE Policy.pdf