Inclusion - SEND and EAL Provision and Policies

Inclusion at Telford Infant School
Special Education Needs and Disability Information (SEND)
SENCO - Ms Louise Roberts
Associate SENCO - Mrs Natalie Jarvis
SEN Governors - Mrs Sue Corrick and Mrs Hester Meacock.

Our SEND governors can be contacted through the school office:

Tel: 01926 425544 

Our SENCOs can be emailed direct at


English as an Additional Language (EAL)

We welcome children from all over the world and have children who speak a range of languages at our school.  Parents and children are invited to a meeting with the EAL coordinator and class teacher before they start school so that we can best meet their language needs. 

Miss Catherine Orton is responsible for EAL provision within the school.

Accessibility Report and Plan 2024-2025.pdf

Children with health needs who cannot attend school policy 24 25.pdf

Telford Infant School Intimate care and toileting policy.pdf

TIS SEND Information Report 2024-2025.pdf

SEND Policy 2024-2025.pdf

EAL Policy 2025-2027.pdf

Equality Objectives.pdf

Equal Opportunities and Inclusion Policy.pdf

Support and information for families
There is a wealth of support for families who have children with a special educational need or families who have concerns about an aspect of their child's life whether it be social, academic or health related. 
Please see below for information and links.

The engagement model - a guide for parents

Warwickshire SEND Local Offer
Please click on the link for Warwickshire’s SEND Local Offer which brings together information about education, health and care services for children and young people from 0 to 25 with special educational needs and disabilities.
Warwickshire SEND Inclusion Charter
Please follow the link below to access Warwickshire Schools' Inclusion Charter.

WCC SEND Inclusion Charter

Warwickshire Parent Carer Voice Leaflet

SEND Supported
At Telford Infant we work closely with specialist teachers from SEND Supported.
Please see for information and ways that you can support your child at home.
Social, emotional and mental health
If you need advice on your child's social, emotional or mental health RISE Primary Mental Health Team offer consultations and parent information sessions. 
These can be booked over the phone  - you will be offered a one off  45 minute consultation where you can discuss your child's difficulties with a professional. 
Please see the flyer for more details.


Education and Health Care Plans
Some children may need an Education and Health Care Plan to ensure that they receive the correct support in school.  This is a legally binding document that details a child's needs that impact them accessing education and health and care compared to another individual.  The EHC plan will explain the provision needed, who is to provide the support, where and if any equipment is required.
Nurseries and schools can apply for EHC needs assessments or behalf of parents once enough evidence is gathered through professionals such as Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapy etc.  Parents can also apply direct to the Local Authority.

EHCP process flow chart


EHC needs assessment guide Warwickshire SENDIAS

WCC LA EHCP referral process