Head's message
It has been another busy week in school, with lots of amazing learning happening across all year groups. More work in the background has been happening on the library - the PTA have funded an electronic system so that the loaning of the books can be tracked when children start taking them home. We will be sending more information out about this very soon. The children continue to enjoy using the library as a class and reading the books in school at the moment.
Parking update from police
Following some reports to the police regarding illegal parking the following update has been received;
Warwickshire County Council's Civil Enforcement team are currently undertaking a comprehensive review of all Warwickshire's school sites, and changes will be put in place over time as part of a larger project. The Civil Enforcement team are looking to utilise a mobile enforcement vehicle; using ANPR technology, which will patrol all areas on a rotational basis, and will issue Penalty Charge Notices after the footage has been reviewed by a trained officer. These will be sent to the registered keeper of a vehicle once it has been confirmed to have been parked in contravention. This project forms part of a wider school safety working group initiative geared at providing consistent school safety communication with our schools; all schools will be engaged in this project with a primary focus on educating parents and children towards a safer commute to school. Going forward we will continue to patrol the area.
Roadworks notification
To help with the parking issues outside the shops on Kelvin Road, from 28th January to approx. 30th January there will be road works in place to allow for the erection of bollards and railings and refreshing of all linings. This will cause delays and traffic congestion, so please allow extra time to get to school if travelling by car and park away from the school.
Wearing a uniform is an important way children can feel part of our school. Over the last few months some non uniform items are being worn, so I wanted to remind all parents of our uniform expectations.
School shoes must be sensible and black only - Ugg boots and coloured sports trainers are not allowed. Hair accessories should be small and plain in blue, white , grey or black. JoJo bows and other 'exciting' hair accessories such as animal headbands cannot be worn in school.
We have lots of pre loved uniform, sometimes including shoes, please pop into school and help yourself from the boxes. Your support with promoting our
uniform policy is much appreciated.
Water bottles
Please do not send glass bottles into school. one was recently dropped and smashed which is a health and safety concern.
Support for families
There is a lot of support available for families who may need help with the cost of the weekly shop. The Brunswick Hub run an emergency chilled food provision and many other fantastic services for families.
You can find out more here. We also have non perishable food boxes in school that are provided to families when needed - this is in confidence and discreet. Please pop into school and speak to myself, the office or your child's class teacher if we can help with this.
Pupil Premium
Families who receive the following are eligible for free school meals:
- Income Support
- Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- The guaranteed element of Pension Credit
- Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
- Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for four weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
- Universal Credit - if you apply on or after 1 April 2018 your household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you get)
Thank you to the Year 1 parents that were able to attend the phonics assessment evening - the information shared will be put on tapestry and the
year 1 web site pages.
Have a lovely weekend,
Ms Roberts