Friday 7th February weekly update

7th February 2025

Head's message
We were very lucky last week to have a String Quartet in school, a cultural experience provided by the PTA.  Please see our loving learning page to find out more.   One of the highlights of my week is when the children who have been chosen as Star Writers, come and share their amazing achievements with me.  This week I have been lucky enough to read stories about epic adventures and non chronological reports about the moon landing.  The children are always so proud of their writing and rightfully so and are always eager to explain what they have done and why.  Star writer information is shared with you on Tapestry and I hope when your child is chosen you celebrate their success at home too.
Attendance at school is very important and we want to work with you to ensure your child attends school as often as possible.  I do understand everyone gets poorly from time to time and the best place is to rest at home so please continue to follow our illness guidance on this.  I am pleased to see that the number of late arrivals to school since September is lower than previous years which means the children are settled in their classrooms ready to start the day alongside their friends - thank you.   Again I do understand that sometimes things just happen that delay the journey to school, remember you can always call the office on 01926 425544 if you are delayed in dropping off or collecting your child.  Smiles before and after school club will also be offering on the day emergency child care for those tricky days we all have. A flyer will be sent out shortly about this.
Whilst I am grateful that you are being honest about taking your child out of school for a holiday or special family event, I am concerned about the increasing number of holiday requests and the length of time children are missing from school.  Under government attendance guidelines unless requests fall under exceptional circumstances or are for religious observance they will be unauthorised.  Whilst we are not a referring school at present (referring means parents may be fined) we still have to report all absences to the Local Authority and meet with an attendance officer each term.  Children with absence that is classed as persistent  - less than 90% attendance - are discussed and where appropriate, action plans are put in place.  10% absence over a year equals 13 days missed which is 65 hours of learning lost. Therefore, I urge you to please consider this when planning family events and holidays. 
Parking restrictions
Thank you for being patient whilst the parking restrictions have been put in place near the shops and the corners of Beaufort Avenue.  I am hoping that this will help with the anti social parking around school. 
PTA reminders
Telford Infant School Recipe Book 2025
We're very excited about this new project - we are inviting all parents, guardians, and families to submit their favourite recipes. These can be anything from a classic cheese on toast to a dish worthy of a Michelin Star! Feel free to include photos or drawings alongside your recipe to make it extra special. By submitting, please note that you’re giving consent for your content to be published and shared publicly. Find out more in the attached letter!

PJ Parties
Back for 2025 - Year 1 & 2 Pyjama Parties!  Hosted by your PTA, year 1 and 2 children are invited to come along to school (drop off at the main office) in their pjs to party with their friends.  There'll be lots of fun activities including musical statues with prizes up for grabs!  It's £3 on the door or you can pay in advance here >> 
SMILES are of course welcome to join too, simply pack their pjs on the day and let the team know!

Year 1 PJ Party is Wednesday 12th February 5pm-6pm
Year 2 PJ Party is Thursday 13th February 5pm-6pm
Quiz Night - Friday 7th March
It’s back! The hugely popular and highly anticipated QUIZ NIGHT – hosted by your very own Telford Infant PTA! Join us for an evening of trivia, drinks, and a delicious fish and chip supper – hurry, tickets sell fast!  Book online here >>    There is already a staff team assembled!
Have a lovely weekend.
Ms Roberts