
Mrs Natalie Jarvis

Mathematics Subject Leader

Why do we teach Mathematics?

At Telford Infant School we believe that every child is capable of success and can develop positive attitudes and interests in mathematics, a core subject of the curriculum and a vital part of everyday life. As an infants school, our curriculum aim is to ensure that by the time they leave our school, all pupils have a passion for maths and are curious about number, shape and measure in the world around them. Ensuring that all pupils have a strong understanding of number and place value and are fluent mathematicians, not only in their quick recall of number facts such as the bonds, doubles and halves, but in their ability to apply this knowledge to a given problem. This provides a solid foundation in the basic mathematical skills vital for everyday life and future learning in mathematics. 

In the Early Years, pupils develop a strong grounding of numbers up to 10. The importance of spotting relationships, patterns and the connections between these numbers is of great importance, laying the foundations for the children’s future enjoyment and learning in mathematics. 

How do we teach Mathematics?

Daily Maths Lessons

At our school, we use the mastery approach. This supports the children to develop fluency and build a deeper understanding of the maths they have learnt. We use the Department for Education recommended scheme Power Maths across the school, where children are given the opportunity to apply their skills and knowledge when problem solving and reason in a variety of different contexts. More information on mastery can be found in the useful links section below.

In our lessons, there is a strong focus upon the use of practical equipment during our maths lessons, such as concrete objects and the use of a range of models and images, supporting the children to gain a deeper conceptual understand of the different areas of mathematics. When teaching, we understand the importance of speech and language skills when learning in mathematics, with staff using ‘stem sentences,’ modelling clear language to support children with their understanding of mathematics and helping them to explain their mathematical thinking.

Number Facts and Understanding Number

Across the school, the children have regular Maths Blast sessions, using the Mastering Number programme run by Maths Hubs across England and coordinated by the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM). The programme give children a secure foundation in the development of good number sense from Reception, through to Year 1 and 2. The aim is that all children leave KS1 with fluency in calculation and a confidence and flexibility with number.  In the Early Years, as well as Power Maths, the children watch Number Blocks, aimed at introducing and deepening children's understanding of early number.


Across the school, teachers plan for a range of different opportunities that allow pupils to apply and use their mathematics skills in a range of other curriculum areas and contexts, for example in Science, Design Technology and Computing.


How your child will make progress in Mathematics during their time at Telford Infant School.

Learning throughout the school is incremental, with the whole class taught together focussing on depth, so that all children have the chance to embed learning. Where needed, pupils are given targeted maths interventions, pre-teach and ‘reactive teach’ sessions, to ensure that they are ready to continue with the learning sequence. For a very small number of pupils who require an individualised curriculum, teachers will adapt and plan the curriculum to meet the specific needs of learners.


 Useful Links
Follow the link below to view the National Curriculum for Mathematics:
If you would like to find out more about the Mastery approach we use, please follow the link below to the NCETM website:
To find out more about our Power Maths approach, you may wish to watch the following video:
The National National Numeracy Parent Toolkit has many useful tips and advice for parents:
The NRich website contains lots of different activities for children to explore, with a focus on problem solving:
The Oxford Owl website contains lots of fun and engaging ways to support your child in Maths, including a useful Maths glossary page:
Websites for children:
A copy of our calculation policy can be found below:

Power Maths Reception Calculation Policy 2025.pdf

TIS KS1 Calculation Policy February 2025.pdf

Mathematics at Telford Infant School
Maths Transition Day Year Two
In June, all of our year two children took part in a maths transition day, attending the junior school for a fun maths session. The children were partnered with the year 3 children and took part in a range of activities based mainly around shape including making nets for shapes, creating shapes with geostrips and fasteners and a game with pentominoes. It was a great opportunity to have some fun with maths, whilst at the same time, spending some time in the junior school.
Maths Fun Day
Although every day we are learning maths, each year we have a Telford Maths Day. This year our key focus was around maths games, promoting that 'maths is fun,' and that 'maths is everywhere and an important skills in life.' 
Across the school, we worked in pairs and small groups to design and create our own maths games, which we the played before sharing in a special assembly. In our assembly we learnt about famous mathematicians and the teachers shared how they use maths in everyday life. We all had lots of fun and enjoyed designing and playing our own maths games.