Meet our Governors

The Governors of our school have a monitoring and supporting role. They visit school and meet regularly with staff to understand the progress and achievement of pupils, the quality of teaching, the behaviour and safety of pupils and the quality of leadership and management.

All governors meet together formally twice every term as the Full Governing Board but also delegate particular responsibilities to smaller teams of governors to monitor specific activities. Examples include finance & resources, pupil progress, safeguarding, SEND, performance management, pupil premium, health & safety, premises and the curriculum. Governors also work in teams to support and monitor key school priorities in the School Development Plan ensuring that the school has a focused strategic direction.

Our governors include parents, staff and representatives from the local community. They share the school’s passion and commitment to ensuring that the children of Telford Infant School love learning, are safe and happy and that they achieve the very best that they can.

Governors are always keen to hear from parents. If you would like to talk to a governor then leave a message with the school office and a governor will contact you.

Governor Board Meeting minutes are available from the school office on request.

Telford Infant School Instrument of Government
Please click below to see our current Instrument of Government.

Instrument of Government

Our Current Governors

Fin McCarthy

Chair of Governors

is a parent governor, reappointed by the governors in May 2023 for 4 years. Fin is Chair of Governors and has specific responsibility for Safeguarding and Finance and Staff wellbeing. Fin is a member of both the Headteacher's Performance Management Panel and the Pay Panel.

David Anderson

Vice Chair of Governors

is a co-opted governor, appointed by the governors in February 2021 for 4 years. David is Vice Chair of the Governing Body and has specific responsibility for pupil progress and achievement and for quality of teaching. He is also a member of the Headteacher Performance Management Panel.

Sarah Boad

is a Local authority governor, reappointed by the governors in May 2024 for 4 years. She has a specific responsibility for Safeguarding, quality of teaching, health and safety, GDPR and Pupil Premium.

Theresa Carter

is a co-opted givernor, appointed by the Full Governing Board in July 2022 for a term of 4 years. Theresa is responsible for monitoring premises and health and safety and for staff wellbeing. Theresa is also a member of the Headteacher's Performance Management Panel.

Sue Corrick

is a co-opted governor, re-elected by the governors in February 2021 for 4 years. She has a specific responsibility for monitoring SEND provision.

Graham Duxbury

is a parent governor, re-elected in June 2021 for 4 years. He has specific responsibility for governor training and induction and is a member of the pay panel.

Ian Jones

is a coopted governor appointed by governors in May 2022 for a term of 4 years. He is responsible for monitoring pupil progress and achievement and GDPR.

Hester Meacock

is a co-opted governor, appointed by the governors in December 2022 for a term of 4 years. Hester is responsible for monitoring pupil progress and achievement, SEND and Foundation Stage.

Caroline Pooley

is a parent governor, elected by parents in July 2023 for 4 years. Caroline is responsible for monitoring Foundation Stage, GDPR and for SMILES Club.

Louise Roberts

is Headteacher governor (ex-officio by virtue of office). She has specific responsibility for Safeguarding, finance and resources.

Libby Semple

is a co-opted governor, reappointed by the governors in October 2023 for 4 years. She has specific responsibility for monitoring finance & resources, pupil premium and SMILES out of hours club. She is also a member of the pay panel.

Michelle Smith

is a co-opted governor, reappointed by the governors in October 2023 for 4 years. She is a member of the staff team and has specific responsibility for monitoring pupil attendance and SMILES out of hours club.

Kate Walsh

is our Staff Governor, appointed by school staff in October 2023 for 4 years. Kate has specific responsibility for Wellbeing.

Charles Craft

Governance Professional

is a Governance Professional appointed in September 2021 who provides a clerking service to the Governing Board.