Our Curriculum Intent



At Telford Infant School we passionately believe that every child should enjoy their learning journey and develop a love for learning that will last a life time.

We put the wellbeing of the children at the heart of our curriculum and through nurture and guidance we ensure that all children begin their school life curious and engaged in the world around them and leave us as confident and resilient learners.

As Early Years specialists we know that Infant aged children learn best through experiential learning and provide every opportunity we can for children to see, hear, touch, smell and feel first hand. We understand that young children learn best in a hands on, interactive manner and our curriculum delivery reflects this.

Whenever appropriate we teach through a topic approach so that knowledge and skills can be built upon. We provide a broad and balanced range of subjects for all children. This rich, ambitious curriculum creates memorable learning experiences with learning taking place both indoors and outside. Children’s learning is complemented by learning visits off site and visitors invited into school.

We believe that Oracy is key to a child’s success as well as being a fundamental life skill. We explicitly teach our children to be effective speakers and listeners and ensure that every child can express their thoughts and opinions coherently and appropriately. We want them to love language and to have a voice and know how to use it to best effect!

We are proud to be an integral part of the community and we celebrate our local heritage which provides clues to the past and helps children understand their place in the world. Leamington Spa and the wider area are full of rich cultural opportunities and we ensure that the children experience, and benefit from, these through careful curriculum design.


A primary focus of our curriculum is the development of reading. At Telford Infants we all enjoy reading widely and believe this is an exceptionally important skill as reading unlocks learning in all other subjects. Our aim is for every child to be an enthusiastic, fluent, avid reader by the time they leave our school and we wish for each one of them to have developed a life-long love of reading.


Telford Infants is a community, where everyone’s views and backgrounds are respected and where the children are at the centre of everything we do. We place a strong emphasis on the development of the children’s personal, social and emotional skills as they grow and mature during their time with us. We celebrate and foster the uniqueness of every single child and watch them flourish in a safe, happy environment where curiosity is encouraged. We are proud to be a THRIVE school and this approach threads through all that we think, say and do.

We want the children to understand their sense of place and time in the world and we learn about and celebrate our locality and local traditions. We place a strong emphasis on developing children’s moral, spiritual and cultural understanding and work hard to prepare the children for life in modern Britain and in their role as global citizens. Behaviour in and around school is exemplary and children are caring towards each other and the wider school community. Safe, positive behaviour is key to a good learning environment and our strong Protective Behaviours curriculum underpins this as does our unwavering commitment to safeguarding children.


Our learning culture enables children to understand how they learn and develops their resilience. We achieve this through an approach called Building Learning Power which teaches children strategies and attitudes that help them with their learning and with life challenges in a calm, confident and creative way. This is particularly important as we respond to the impact of the pandemic on children. We know that children who are confident will learn faster and deeper. They concentrate better, think harder and find learning more enjoyable. We believe that making mistakes is a fundamental part of the learning process.


All staff have high expectations for every child to be successful and constantly reflect on their own professional development to achieve this. We provide an inclusive curriculum and environment and all children are supported to develop and achieve their potential. Children who are most able are challenged through extended learning opportunities while those who have specific barriers to their learning are provided with targeted support to develop skills in a style that suits their individual needs and at a pace that is appropriate for them. We understand that every child is unique and when developing our curriculum we take into account Special Education Needs, disabilities, English as an additional language, children’s family circumstances and heritage. Our curriculum reflects our local context and as such continues to be adapted to meet the needs of the children.


Our Curriculum Team Leaders and Subject Leaders play an essential role in the success of our curriculum. They become experts in their subjects and are equipped with the skills and support to undertake rigorous monitoring, evaluation and reviews. They work closely with the Senior Leadership Team, Phase Leaders, Teachers, Teaching Assistants and the children themselves. Leaders carefully design a clear intent and progression within each subject and ensure learning is coherently planned to meet the needs of the whole school. They ensure that their subject is taught to a set of high standards which in turn leads to positive outcomes for the children.


When you walk into Telford Infant School you can see, hear and feel everyone LOVING LEARNING!

Our Curriculum Leaders
Katie Booth and Natalie Jarvis are the school's Curriculum Leaders.

Katie Booth

Curriculum Leader

Natalie Jarvis

Curriculum Leader