Wraparound Care - SMILES Club

Play and Learn at ‘SMILES’
Before and After School Club 

SMILES Club is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. 


From September 2024 the Club will operate exclusively for Infant children.

 How to Apply

Please apply using the link shown below:


Once offered a place at SMILES,  our new Reception children start attending the club once they are in school full time, children in other year groups can start immediately.
Any sessions your child is booked in for are automatically retained each year up to the end of Year 2.
New children for September 2025 intake - you can book a provisional place NOW at our Smiles club which will be confirmed once the Local Authority admissions team name Telford Infants as your child's school (National Offer Day is 16th April 2025).

Smiles Terms and Conditions 2024-2025.pdf

Telford Infant School Privacy Notice 2024-2025.pdf

SMILES Behaviour Policy 2024-2025.pdf

Parental Agreement 2024-2025.pdf


The Club follows Telford Infant School policies and procedures - for example, Health and Safety; Safeguarding, including PREVENT; Equality Statement.
We have some policies which are specific to SMILES Club and these can be accessed above.
Also above you will find our Privacy Notice.
Key policies and documents can be found on the 'About Us' section of our school website.
Please contact SMILES or ask at the school office if you cannot find the policy you are looking for.
BREAKFAST CLUB is available to all children who attend Telford Infant School and is held on our School site.
Drop off: from 7.45am at the main SMILES door. Please use the school pedestrian gate to access the school.
Breakfast:  Children enjoy a healthy choice of toast, crumpets, muffins and a variety of fresh fruits. 
Children are taken by our playworkers to their classroom for the start of the school day at 8.55am.
AFTER SCHOOL CLUB is available to all children who attend Telford Infant School and is held on our school site.
 Infant children are collected from their classrooms by our playworkers and escorted to the hall, where SMILES is based.
Part of the session is also spent out on the playground (or field in the summer) weather permitting.
Children are provided with a cold, nutritious snack. This varies throughout the week but usually consists of wraps or bread with some type of meat (or vegetarian/vegan equivalent), cheese and a range of fresh fruits and salad. This is purely a snack and is not intended to replace an evening meal at home.
We are a nut free school, and children with allergies, intolerances and lifestyle or religious choices are catered for.
For details of current availability, please contact our SMILES Manager, Mrs Francesca Berry at smilesclub@welearn365.com.


Current fees for Breakfast Club are as follows:  £5 per session

Current fees for After School Club are as follows:  £12 per session

There is an initial Registration Fee charged of £10 per child.                              

Club Payments:
A half termly invoice is provided and payments are made in advance through Parent Pay or with Child Care Vouchers or  the Tax Free Childcare system.

Please note:

  • We regret we are unable to refund fees should your child not attend booked sessions.
  • Fees are also not refunded for events outside of our control, such as school closure due to adverse weather conditions etc. 
  • Late collection from After School Club - after 3  late collections a fee of £15 will be made in order to cover staff overtime costs.
Persistent non payment can result in the loss of your child’s Breakfast or After School Club place.
SMILES Club Manager - Mrs Francesca Berry    (Paediatric First Aider and Workplace (adult) First Aider) 
SMILES Playworkers
Mrs Tina Bansal
Mr Frank Dorgan
Mrs Jarurat Grant 
Mrs Karen Grigson
Mrs Louise Jones
Miss Kamila Kawczynska (Paediatric First Aider)
Mrs Pauline Morris
Miss Sophia Oustayiannis
Mrs Sonyja Radford
Mrs Surinder Ranautta
Mrs Hoor Torabi
Mrs Victoria Ward

School Governors with responsibilty for SMILES:
Mrs Libby Semple
Mrs Michelle Smith
Mrs Caroline Pooley
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Ms Louise Roberts

For any general or finance queries please contact our SMILES Club Manager, Mrs Francesca Berry:
Email: smilesclub@welearn365.com
Phone: 07925823386 (term time between 7.30am and 8.30am or between 3.30pm and 6pm or leave a message on the answerphone)