Sports Premium

Sports Funding
At Telford Infant School we are always looking at ways of enhancing our PE provision. In April 2013, the Government announced new funding for Physical Education and Sport in schools. This funding is ring fenced to be used for sport specific areas to make an impact in Physical Education and Sport.  Schools are free to determine how best to use this funding to improve the quality and breadth of PE and Sport provision, including increasing participation in PE and Sport so that all children develop healthy lifestyles and reach the performance levels they are capable of.
Sports Premium is the grant our school receives to ensure children  can access a healthy, competitive and varied sporting curriculum and receive the support they need to ensure they engage with a healthy lifestyle throughout their time at Telford Infant School. This money is allocated to the school and we use it in a variety of ways to ensure children become engaged and healthy, active learners.

The spend is monitored regularly to ensure that it is being used effectively and future grants are planned for in relation to progress and participation of children within the school. 

The school monitors its effectiveness on a regular basis, including termly Full Governing Board meetings. We create a report each term to demonstrate how the funding is being used and its impact.

Below you can find our latest Sports Premium Impact Reports which show how we are spending our Sports Premium and the impact it has made. Further information about PE at Telford Infant School can be found here.

Impact Report Sept-July 2024.pdf

PE funding 24-25 Evaluation and action plan.pdf