Joining our School
A very warm welcome to Telford Infant School!
Showrounds for Prospective Reception Families
We also arrange events specifically for families considering a Reception place at our school. Prospective families have an opportunity to meet key members of staff to learn more about our school, in particular life in Reception, and families are given a guided tour around the whole school.
These events allow you to see the busy learning, play and fun that takes place everyday so that you can make an informed choice about your child's future education.
Our scheduled show round dates for this year have now all taken place. We will post further dates for September onwards for reception places for September 2026.
Admissions - Starting Reception September 2025
Telford Infant School is an inclusive school, welcoming children from all backgrounds and abilities. We are 3 form entry taking 90 children in each year group with a maximum of 30 children in each class.
In Warwickshire children start Infant or Primary School the September after their fourth birthday and admissions are managed by Warwickshire Council.
Stage of process | Date |
Reception application period starts | 1 November 2024 |
Closing date for applications | 15 January 2025 |
Extended closing date for house moves |
1 February 2025 |
National Offer Day |
16 April 2025 |
Deadline submitting appeals | 2 June 2025 |
Applications to our school are made through Warwickshire County Council Admissions.
If you are moving into the area, wishing to change schools or applying for a new school year, please go to Warwickshire Admissions website.
New children for September 2025 intake - you can book a provisional place NOW at our Smiles club which will be confirmed once the Local Authority Admission name Telford Infants as your child's school (National Offer Day is 16th April 2025). Click here to go to our Smiles page.
Warwickshire Admissions
Criteria for Admission:
If a Warwickshire Community or Voluntary Controlled infant school is over-subscribed, then the following over-subscription criteria will be used when allocating places.
Additional information about criterion can be found below.
- Criterion 1a: Looked after children and all previously looked after children.
- Criterion 1b: Children who have been adopted through a CVAA UK agency.
- Criterion 2: Children who receive the Early Years Pupil Premium for their early years provider.
- Criterion 3: Children who are currently, or have been at any point since 1st September 2015, subject to a Child in Need Plan or a Child Protection Plan.
- Criterion 4a: Children living in the priority area for the school, who will have a sibling attending the same school in the Year 1 or 2 at the time of admission in September 2025.
- Criterion 4b: Children living in the priority area for the school, who will have a sibling attending the partner junior school in Years 3 - 6 at the time of admission in September 2025*
- Criterion 5: Other children living in the priority area for the school.
- Criterion 6a: Children living outside the priority area for the school, who will have a sibling attending the same school in Year 1 or 2 at the time of admission in September 2025.
- Criterion 6b: Children living outside the priority area for the school, who will have a sibling attending the partner junior school in Years 3 - 6 at the time of admission in September 2023*
- Criterion 7: Other children living outside the priority area for the school.
* If you are also applying for a Year 3 place at the partner junior school for another child, for entry in September 2025, please be aware that they will not be considered as a sibling link for the infant school applicant until after that child has been offered a place at the junior school and you have confirmed your acceptance of the Year 3 place.
Within each criterion priority is given in order of straight line distance between the home address and school. The shortest distance has the highest priority. Our school’s priority area is defined on the Warwickshire Admissions website. Please follow the link below: