Friday 7th March Weekly Update

7th March 2025

Head's message
Last Friday we were very lucky to welcome Jeanne Wills to our school, a successful children's author.  She spent the day with all the children in their classrooms sharing her one of her stories called The Bear Who Had Nothing to Wear.  The children were really engaged with her story telling and creating bears of their own.  Well done to all the children, but a particular mention to the children that were awarded a rosette by Jeanne in the assembly at the end of the day, for their creativity in designing their bears. 
This week the children have celebrated World Book Day.  Thank you for providing them with such wonderful costumes and book ideas.  It was a joy to see how much the children love the characters that they meet in stories and how they converse with each other about the books that they read.  Your child should have come home with a £1 book token which can be spent in most retailers and there are a number of books that can be purchase outright with the token.
At part of our wider sporting offer, some year 2 children took part in a local school Tag Rugby match on Thursday. One of the children told me, "I loved playing with children from other schools. I ran so fast trying not to lose my tag - it was so much fun."
Library Books 
We hope your child has enjoyed borrowing a book from our new school library this week.  Please enjoy this book with them at home and return within a week in order to swap for a new book.  If books become lost or damaged please speak to your child's class teacher asap. 
Amazon wish list
Thank you for your generous donations via our amazon wish list, they really are appreciated and go directly to the children. 
Quiz night is tonight!
Tuesday 18th March - Celebration of Learning will take place from 3pm to 3.20pm  - this is an opportunity to visit you child's classroom and look at their learning with them. No need to book, just turn up. 
Friday 21st March - Red Nose Day - Please read the flyer sent out in your email about what the School Council have chosen to do this year. I hope you can help your child to support this worthy cause.
Monday 24th March our learning review booking system goes live – you will receive a letter about on 21st March. The learning reviews will be Tuesday 8th April and Thursday 10th April 3.40pm – 6.10pm. Appointments are face to face in school with the option to request an online appointment if needed.
Thursday 27th March - PTA meeting in school from 6-7pm - all welcome. 
Friday 28th March - Superwoman present room - PTA will share information about this
Thursday 10th April reception and year 1 children will be attending an Easter service at St Mary Magdalene's Church.  We are looking for volunteers to help walk the children to and from church which is the only way parents can attend the event due to space.  If you are able to help please see your child's class teacher.
Have a lovely weekend.
Ms Roberts