Attendance, punctuality, absence and illness

To enable our children to be the
best learners they can be it is
crucial that they attend
every school day.
At Telford Infant School
we do all that we can to ensure
maximum attendance
for every child.

Attendance and Punctuality Policy.pdf

WCC Leave of Absence for a pupil during term time.pdf

2023-24 Whole school attendance - 95.9%

2022-23 Whole school attendance95.9%

2021-22 - Whole school attendance - 94.3%


Attendance Lead – Ms Louise Roberts
Attendance Coordinator – Mrs Faye Hall
Governor with responsibility for Attendance – Mrs Michelle Smith


 Top tips on how to keep your child healthy at school.


Your child’s progress academically as well as socially
is our shared priority


In September, new regulations affecting attendance came into force. In summary guidance has now become law and affects how schools have to record absences, the support they offer families and how schools fine parents for absence - there will be an expectation that schools will fine parents following a national framework. There are also new rules for when schools have to notify the local authority of absences and expectations on how schools will support children with health and mental health issues.

The Local Authority will be advising schools on procedures to follow, in the meantime, the following applies.


Parents must contact the school if their child is absent by phoning the school office – 01926 425544. If the school does not have prior notification of absence and a child does not attend school we contact parents or carers by phone to confirm the child’s whereabouts and safety.

Please follow the link below for NHS advice on when a child is safe or too ill to attend school: 

Please note we can only administer and store prescribed medicine that needs to be taken more than 3 times a day when a consent form has been completed by the parent.  Medicine that is only required to be taken 3 times a day can be administered at home before and after school, and before bedtime.  However, if parents/carers wish to come into school to administer such medicine they are welcome to, bringing the medicine with them.


The school must be informed of any planned absence in advance.  Any request for essential absence should be made to the school on a Leave of Absence form which can be obtained from the school office. Please note that holidays and days out during term time will not be authorised.

Arriving late at school can be upsetting for a child and it disrupts the normal morning routine for the whole class. Our school day starts promptly at 8.55am. Children arriving at school after 8.55am should be brought into school by the main school office entrance and signed using electronic sign in system by their parent or carer.


First Aid in School Policy.pdf

Medicines in School Policy.pdf