Policies and Key Documents

At Telford Infant School a comprehensive range of policies support our work within school. On this page you will find the policies and information you may find most helpful or are a statutory requirement to publish. Please also see the other pages of our website for other key policies and documents.

If you would like to view any  policy not available on our website then please contact the school and we will provide a copy of the policy you request. This can be emailed to you or a hard copy provided free of charge.

Behaviour Policy (including Anti-bullying Statement) September 2025.pdf

Behaviour - Rules Matter.pdf

Charging and Remissions Policy.pdf

Complaints Policy.pdf

Educational Visits Policy.pdf

A Parent Carer Guide to External Visits at Telford Infant School.pdf

Expected Behaviour of Visitors & Parents on School Premises.pdf

Parental Use of Social Networking and Internet Sites Policy 2023.pdf