Physical Education

Mrs Michelle Smith

Physical Education Subject Leader


Why do we teach PE? 

 We believe P.E. goes beyond the development of physical skills and is also fundamental to the development of children’s personal, social and emotional skills. We are dedicated to ensuring healthy minds as well as bodies. 

How do we teach Physical Education? 

Physical Education at Telford Infant School is inclusive and inspires all children to develop a love for learning that will last a lifetime.

We create a supporting environment where all pupils have opportunities to flourish. It allows children to develop a sense of fair play, tolerance and team support skills alongside our PSHE curriculum. As a school we support children to develop their gross and fine motor skills. We develop children’s oracy skills by encouraging pupils to creatively explore problems and seek solutions by practising and evaluating their own approaches and performances through self-reflection and peer feedback.  Children are encouraged to communicate using the correct tone, gesture and volume.  As a school we strongly promote sporting spirit.

  How your child will progress in Physical Education?

 During their time with us, pupils will develop their skills in gymnastics, dance and games, to become confident in a way which supports their physical health and fitness. We provide opportunities to build links and reflect the local community, including competitive sports. Local, national and international sporting successes and events are shared with the children to encourage participation in a wide range of sports. They are also encouraged to share their own sporting successes.

 Pupils should develop fundamental movement skills, become increasingly competent and confident and access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination, individually and with others. They should be able to engage in competitive (both against self and against others) and co-operative physical activities, in a range of increasingly challenging situations. Pupils should be taught to:
 master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities.
 participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending. 
 perform dances using simple movement patterns.

Development Matters 

Physical activity is vital in children’s all-round development, enabling them to pursue happy, healthy and active lives. Gross and fine motor experiences develop incrementally throughout early childhood, starting with sensory explorations and the development of a child’s strength, co-ordination and positional awareness through tummy time, crawling and play movement with both objects and adults.


PE and Sport Premium

Schools have a central role to play in supporting all children and young people to live healthy active lives. This is particularly true of primary school where the foundations of positive and enjoyable participation in regular physical activity should be established.

Crucial to achieving this is ensuring that pupils have access to at least 30 minutes of physical activity during the school day, alongside high-quality PE provision taught by confident and knowledgeable teachers and opportunities to experience and participate in a wide range of sports and physical activities. PE and sport premium grant funding should be used by schools towards these aims.

Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of the PE, sport and physical activity they provide.  

Making sustainable improvements should be considered as a priority. This is often achieved through developing and investing in the knowledge and skills of the teaching staff and other school staff who may have involvement in supporting a lasting change to the school’s approach to physical activity, curriculum PE or provision of school sport.
Sports Premium Impact Reports
Please find below our impact reports for the last year and plans for this academic year. 

Impact Report Sept-July 2024

PE funding 24-25 Evaluation and action plan

Equal Access School Award 2024
We are very proud to have been presented with an Equal Access School award by the Football Association. This is in recognition of our girls football provision through after school activities and curriculum PE lessons. 
Telford Infant School Sports Day

Telford Infant Sports day is run over a full day with KS1 taking place during the morning and Reception during the afternoon.

Some of the activities that children take part in are a relay race, egg and spoon, dribbling the ball and balancing quoits.

Parents are invited to join their child and follow them around the activities.  Children are placed into team colours where the winning team colour receives a point.

When all the activities are completed the points are added together and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams receive a sticker.

Sports Day 

Thursday 11th July 2024

Well done to all our pupils for taking part in sports day 2024 and showing amazing sporting spirit. The results are as follows:-

Reception - 1st Place Blue, 2nd Place Red and 3rd Place White

Year 1 - 1st Place White, 2nd Place Blue and 3rd Place Red

Year 2 - 1st Place Red, 2nd Place White and 3rd Place Blue

Maypole Dancing
April - May 2024
At Telford Infant School Year 2 have been mastering some maypole dances from Ann Jones a former teacher at our school. Lots of skipping, clapping and laughter has been heard coming from the school hall. 
Athletics Competition 18th June 2024
Telford Infant School attended an athletics competition at Kingsley School Sports Field.  We competed in different events such as throwing, running and long jump.  All our pupils showed fantastic sporting spirit throughout the event.
Telford Infant Football Tournament
20th June 2024
Well done to all our pupils who took part in the football tournament at Telford Infant School.  We were joined by Brookhurst Primary School, Milverton Primary School, Cubbington C of E Primary School and St Pauls C of E Primary School.  You all showed great sporting spirit throughout the tournament.  Overall winners were Brookhurst Primary School and runners-up were Cubbington C of E Primary School.
Festival of Sport 
Thursday 27th June 2024
Well done to all who attended the Festival of Sport at Cubbington C of E Primary School.  Lots of fun was had by all on a glorious sunny afternoon.  Excellent sporting spirit was shown by all.
After School Clubs 
At Telford Infant School we have a range of after school clubs available.  Pupils have the opportunity to develop their skills in a range of sports led by professional coaches. The clubs offer children with varied interests the chance to develop their skills in familiar and comfortable surroundings.  After school clubs that are currently running are football, dance, ballet, tennis and multi-skills.  If you would like contact details of these clubs to enquire about cost and availability please contact the school PE lead.
Meet Our Sports Ambassadors
Spring Term 2025
Sports ambassadors help build the leadership skills of young people and as a result they are empowered to take on the following roles:
  • Be the voice of PE and school sport in their school and community.
  • Promote the positive values of sport.
  • Be a role model and champion for PE and school sport.
  • Increase participation, opportunities and healthy lifestyles for everyone.
Fencing February 2025
Years 1 and 2 had the opportunity to experience fencing by a trained coach providing children with a fun and safe introduction to the skills required.
Children put on special vests and were given a foam sword. They learnt how to hold the sword and practised how to advance and then retreat, never turning your back on an opponent. They also learnt how to hold your sword to attack, and how to parry with your sword to deflect an attack.

After that they practised attacking and defending in pairs. The children had great fun and picked up the movements and skills very quickly.

Reception Archery February 2025

We were lucky to have Darren the archery instructor visit our school.  We were taught how to use a bow and arrow and aim at the targets, it was also really important that we listened so that we could follow instructions.

Darren taught us about the parts of the arrow and how the back of the arrow is the 'knock' showing us how to load, bringing the string and knock together and hooking in place.  When we had practised how to release the arrow from the bow we were able to aim at the targets.

Lots of perseverance getting very close to the bullseye!

Tag Rugby Cluster Event 
March 2025
Great fun was had by all at the Tag Rugby event held at Telford Junior School for the Leamington North Cluster.  We were joined by other schools in the cluster on what was a beautiful sunny afternoon. Well done to everyone that took part.