Art and Design

Miss Elia Erroi

Art and Design Subject Leader

Why do we teach Art and Design?
Our experiential art and design curriculum at Telford Infant School, offers a range of visual, tactile and sensory experiences that take place in both indoor and outdoor environments. Through a cross-curricular approach and high-quality teaching, children will learn how to draw, paint, sculpt and explore the work of modern and historical artists and their techniques. This inspires the children to develop the knowledge and skillset to independently experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. Oracy is an integral part of each art lesson with key vocabulary being taught to enable the children to confidently talk about their learning. Through stimulating learning experiences and an annual arts week, children develop into imaginative, self-expressive and unique artists.         
How do we teach Art and Design?
Children in Reception are introduced to a variety of materials, tools and techniques that enable them to explore and experiment with colour and texture to create their own designs. They are provided with opportunities to design and make their own character and story props to retell narratives in both small world and role play classroom areas. These skills are developed in KS1 as the children are taught a wider range of art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space. The children are taught about a range of artists, craft makers and designers from different times and cultures, and explore their differences and similarities. 

How your child will make progress in Art during their time at Telford Infant School.                                       

Our structured Art progression map, has a clear outline of how the art skills from the National Curriculum will be taught and the ways that they will be developed over the three years that the children are here with us. All children have systematic opportunities to recap on prior learning, learn new art skills and practise them in art lessons, cross-curricular group tasks and buddy class experiences. These art experiences enable the children to partake in both individual and collaborative tasks to create a range of art work that showcases their unique skills.

Our enriching curriculum encourages self-expression, develops fine motor skills, patience and problem-solving, increases concentration and boosts self-esteem. We allow time for our children to review and evaluate their artwork and the artwork created by others, enabling them to freely express themselves and vocalise their creativity. 

Our aim  by the end of each key stage, is for all children to be able to develop a sense of individuality by exploring their own creative ideas and confidently understand how to apply their skills to produce creative pieces of artwork that they are proud of.

EYFS  Expressive Arts and Design ELG:  Creating with Materials - Children at the expected level of development will: - Safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function; - Share their creations, explaining the process they have used; - Make use of props and materials when role playing characters in narratives and stories.

KS1 National Curriculum Pupils should be taught:  to use a range of materials creatively to design and make products  to use drawing, painting and sculpture to develop and share their ideas, experiences and imagination  to develop a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space  about the work of a range of artists, craft makers and designers, describing the differences and similarities between different practices and disciplines, and making links to their own work.

In Autumn 2, we invited Grandparents into school to share in our 'Grandparent Glitter Day'. This was an exciting opportunity for the children to share their creative skills and enjoy completing an array of fun Art activities that included Christmas crafts and Seasonal year group hall hoop displays. We had a wonderful morning and created some beautiful pieces of Art work that are admired by all who visit us.
An exciting Arts Week took place in June 2023 where the children learnt all about surrealism and created their very own surreal artwork.  Each class then visited the award winning Compton Verney art gallery and discovered new ways of seeing and approaching art through an array of activities and gallery tours. They partook in three interactive workshops to learn about different types of art works, who made them and why. Inspired by the artists listed below, children explored ways of making and use a variety of materials to create their own art work.

1. British Folk Art: Exploring a range of designs for a purpose, created in the nineteenth and early twentieth century and learning that it was created by ordinary people who did not have any training, just great use of their imaginations.

2. Quentin Blake Birds, Beasts and Explorers; learning about the works and stories from illustrator and author Quentin Blake. Created our own mini beasts inspired by the works!

3. Volcano Landscapes: Explored the drama of the landscape paintings in the Naples gallery thinking about what a sea storm look likes, what sounds do volcanos make when erupting? We then built volcano landscapes using loose part materials.

Each class had a wonderful time and represented our school beautifully, with polite manners and sensible behaviour throughout the visit!

Explore fun Art games here...