Friday 10th January weekly update

10th January 2025

Head's message
Happy New Year  and welcome back to a new term! I hope that you all had a lovely Christmas break enjoying time with loved ones.  
This week we have welcomed the children back and settled into our familiar routines.  The Telford team have returned raring to go with lots of exciting learning planned for the Spring term.  Reception have started their very exciting topic 'When I grow up' with lots of parents booked in to come and talk to the children about their jobs - thank you so much if you are one of those parents, it really brings the topic alive for the children.    Year 1 are learning about the moon landing and all things space and year 2 are learning about the natural world around them. Please check tapestry for more detailed information on what your child will be learning this half term and how you can support them. 
Attachments to your email this week include a PTA update - please read to find out about the exciting changes they are making to fundraising this year.  And an invitation to take part in children's mental health week in February. 
We welcome Miss Jessica Barclay and Miss Bethan Parry to the Telford team, who are joining the inclusion team as teaching assistants.  They will work with a variety of children across the school and bring lots of skills and experience with them. 
On a sad note, we say goodbye to a very long standing member of our team, Mrs Lorraine Bains, who has worked at Telford Infant School for 11 years as a midday supervisor and more recently as a member of our office team.  Lorraine is taking a break from work to focus on her health. We thank her for her hard work and dedication to the school and wish her all the best for the future.  We are currently in the process of recruiting for an office administrator to ensure the office is fully staffed.
We are looking to recruit a midday supervisor - if you are interested in this role or know anyone who is please direct them to the vacancy pages on our website.   This is a great way to find out what school is like and we welcome applications from parents and carers.
Calendar dates
We have lots of exciting things happening this term and all dates can be found on our calendar. 
Thursday 23rd January 6-7pm is an important evening for year 1 parents about the phonics screening check that all year 1 children take in June.
Lost Property
Thank you for looking at the lost property that was put out daily at the end of term.   Lost property is always available for you to come and look through and will continue to be put out on a Friday in the covered area.
Pre loved uniform
We are very grateful for your uniform donations, however, we have a very large stock at the moment and so cannot take any more donations at this time.  We will let you know when stock reduces and we need more. 
Drop Zone
This is working really well  - please continue to use this for items that need passing onto your child.  However, if you do need to speak to the office, please ring the buzzer and come in as normal. 
Cold weather
Please remember to send your child to school in a coat.  Whilst it is really cold; hat, scarfs and gloves are useful as the children still go outside at play and lunchtime.  Please ensure these items are named as gloves have a habit of going missing. 
Let's hope the cold snap doesn't last all weekend!
Stay warm.
Ms Roberts