Friday 28th February weekly update

28th February 2025

Head's message
Welcome back for the second half of the Spring term.  I hope you all had a restful half term break.  The children all came back with smiles and excitement, helped by the lovely sunshine that welcomed them back.  Reception got stuck in straight away with an archery experience on the front playground see our Loving Learning page and tapestry for photographs.  Today we have the renowned author Jeanne Willis in school and I will report more next week on her visit. 
Amazon Wish List  - revamped for 2025!
Throughout the year we always need lots of different resources to make our learning the very best it can be. The cost of these adds up and many of you often ask how you can help.
Our Amazon wish list is available for those interested in adding an item for the school to your own Amazon orders. This list will change throughout the year, so check back often if you’d like to send the children of Telford Infant School a gift – orders can be mailed directly to the school.
We are extremely grateful for anything you might be able to purchase for us, as school budgets continue to be squeezed, support from our school community is vital.
World Book Day Reminder 
Thursday 6th March is World Book Day and we are inviting the children to come to school dressed as their favourite book character.  On this day you are invited to come into school and share a story with your child from 3pm onwards. Please don't worry if you cannot make this date and time, the children will not miss out and have story time with grown ups in school.
Thank you to Colliers
Colliers have chosen Telford Infant School to receive a donation of books to celebrate World Book day  - we are very grateful for their generosity as we continue to stock our library for the reading pleasure of all our children.  This opportunity was gained via a parent of the school - if your place of work offers any grants, donations or other support for schools - please do let us know. 
Children will start bringing library books home from Monday if you have provided signed consent - please see your child's class teacher if you have not yet done this. 
Energy Prices
As heard in the news recently, energy prices are set to rise again.  If you need support with energy bills, or finance advice please contact the Family Information Service who are there to help families with a wide range of topics. 
The Ofsted consultation regarding how they intend to inspect schools is now open for parent and carers (as well as educational settings) to express their views. I urge you to have your voice heard on the information you want to see about schools. 
Calendar dates
Please remember to check our calendar on a regular basis to see what events are coming up.
Have a lovely weekend.
Ms Roberts